On-Site COVID Testing

November 28, 2021 | by information

The LDH Partner will be conducting COVID testing on-site every Wednesday. Students that wish to participate in COVID testing must pre-register prior to testing. In order for students to participate in testing, parents will need to register them for the program.

Registration Link: https://home.color.com/covid/sign-up/start?partner=ldh-new-350-students

A parent or legal guardian must register any minor under 18 years old. You will be asked to complete a one-time consent and HIPAA authorization form in order for the test results to be shared with the school and district. Testing is voluntary, yet, may be required, but highly encouraged to keep our school community safe. The testing performed will be non-invasive anterior nasal PCR testing.

LDH will be testing weekly per the School’s dedicated schedule. Results will be delivered to you by text or email within 24 hours and the Omega Diagnostics team will follow-up with you directly if your child has a positive result.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to 225-910-8378 or email at ldhcovid@paffordems.com.