
special education and individual accommodation plan services

Here at Sci High, we welcome all students and meet their various needs with a continuum of support. As an open-enrollment high school, we encourage all of our students to access as much school programming as they are comfortable with including AP, Honors, and Project Lead the Way classes.

full inclusion

We support our students with IEPs in the general education classroom (when appropriate), and we do so with a dynamic combination of Special Education teachers and Instructional Assistants.


When students need support outside of the academic classes, we offer access to study skills, which provides a place in the school day for students to work with a Special Education Teacher on classwork, projects, homework and other academic needs. We also offer the Great Space, an outlet for students to learn and practice social emotional skills to become more successful students. We recognize that there are times when students need breaks to process thoughts and emotions and we provide a safe space to do that.


We provide Transitions classes that prepare our students for life after high school. Lessons and activities range from financial literacy to self-advocacy. At each grade level we work on skills to help our students achieve independence.

related services

Our related service providers are itinerant and provide services during the school day. Related services include Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Adapted PE, and any other services for which a student qualifies.

Policies & Documentation