Message from School Nurse

November 3, 2022 | by information

Parents due to COVID many students are behind on the required immunizations needed for school attendance. If you have not done so already please make sure your student is up to date with all requirements no later than November 10, 2022. If your student is 16 or older a second meningitis shot is required. Please see attached immunization schedule.

Waivers must be renewed each school year.

Flu season started early this year. If your child is ill please keep them home. It is prudent to have the flu and covid test done if your child has covid/flu-like symptoms(fever, runny nose, body aches, cough, etc). Please see the flu prevention steps below:

Step 1: Get Your flu shot
  • Vaccination is particularly important for people at high risk for serious flu-related complications and their close contacts. People at high risk include children younger than five, pregnant women, kids and adults with chronic medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, and adults ages 65 and older.
  • Flu shots can be found at your doctor's office, pharmacies, Health departments, clinic, some urgent care, and your School-Based Health Center here at school for( children 18 years old and under who are uninsured or have Medicaid insurance)
Step 2: Take Everyday Preventive Actions
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away after you use it.
  • Stay away as much as you can from people who are sick.
  • If you get the flu, stay home from work or school. If you are sick, do not go near other people so that you don't make them sick too.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. If you are not near water, use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
  • Try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs often spread this way.
  • These actions can help prevent the spread of influenza and other respiratory viruses during cold and flu season.*(steps 1 and 2 are recommendations from the Louisiana Department of Health)
  • In addition, wearing a mask helps to decrease your chances of contracting respiratory illnesses.* More information can be found at .( Flu symptoms and complications)