English Language Learner Coordinator
Ms. Palacios is the English Language Learner Coordinator at Sci High. She began working for New Orleans Public Schools in 1971 and began working at Sci High in 2018. Ms. Palacios believes that all students can learn when given the opportunity while recognizing that all students do not learn the same way. As a practicing educator, she includes different instructional methods and vary her actives to make sure that she can reach every student and make them comfortable in the learning process. Ms. Palacios has earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Montevallo, University Paul Valery, Cours De Francais Intensif, a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Tulane University, 30 Graduate Hours in Bilingual Education, English as second language and was supervisor of student teaching and second language specialist in French at Loyola University of New Orleans.