Dr. Cola's Chamber (8/21)
August 21, 2020 | by
Good afternoon Sci High Families,
The first week of school flew by! We've been very busy trying to get accustomed to our new "virtual" routines, but all in all, we did a good job! Yes, there were a few hiccups here and there, but that's typical during the first week of school, even when we're not virtual!. I expect that next week, we'll all do even better!
Here are a few announcements and reminders for next week:
- The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Students should be signed on and visible in their homerooms at 8:00 a.m. Homeroom is the official attendance period, so students must be present, ON TIME, during homeroom. Attendance will be taken in each class and students who are not present in their virtual classrooms will receive a call from the Dean of Students' office.
- Meal Pick-up will occur every Monday and Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at our school site located at 5625 Loyola Avenue. Monday's pick-up will consist of breakfast and lunch for Monday & Tuesday, and Wednesday's pick-up will consist of breakfast and lunch for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Curbside meal pick-up will be temporary and Sci High will roll-out a
free home delivery service in the next few weeks.
Please sign-up for this service by clicking on this link https://form.jotform.com/THSFC/no-sci-high-home-delivery. You will receive an email confirmation with your delivery date. Until your delivery date is confirmed, please pick-up your meals curbside at Sci High.
- If students are experiencing technical issues, they should submit the issue to their HOMEROOM teacher who will submit a ticket for technical support. The student will then be contacted by their homeroom teacher or our technical support staff. In the meantime, students should continue to attempt to sign into their classes if at all possible.
- Virtual "Back To School Night" will take place on Thursday, August 27th, 5:00 p.m., via Google Meets. This event will allow parents to follow their students' schedules, join each class for 15 minutes, and meet each teacher virtually. This will be your opportunity to get all your questions about your students' new courses answered.
- SENIORS: Senior Parade will take place on Saturday, September 12th at 3:00 p.m. You will receive more information from Ms. Honore next week. Also, Senior parents should make sure that they have joined the Google Classroom as directed by the previous email from Ms. Honore. That is where you will receive all information regarding Senior activities.
That's all for now! Have a great weekend! Wear a mask!