Science Fair Volunteer Form December 13th, 2023 5:00PM

Email Address:
SET UP & REMOVAL: Setting up the venue and ensure a smooth removal process post-event::
JUDGING: Be part of the team that evaluates and recognizes the outstanding projects presented by our talented students::
CATEGORIZING PROJECTS: Help organize and categorize the projects for a seamless and enjoyable experience for our participants and visitors::
COACHING: Share your expertise by coaching students, helping them prepare for the judging process:

Sci High Alumni

January 20, 2021 | by

First Day of School Welcome Rally

The first day of school is August 9th at 7:30 am and we're planning a big SCI HIGH NAUTILI welcome from actual graduates of our school. If you are available and can participate in a 30-minute rally for our current students first day please complete the form below. After you complete the form we will send you an email to confirm your attendance. Thank you for considering to participate. Voulenteer Form

General Contact Form

We want to stay in contact with you! Please complete the contact form as often as you need to for us to have the latest contact information. Contact Form.