2024-2025 Orientation

sci high students and parents are required to attend orientation

Each grade level has been scheduled at a designated orientation time and date. These mandatory orientation days are important and ALL students should plan to attend with their parents/guardians.  Students and parents will meet Sci High administration, faculty, and staff, learn important school expectations and details from various departments, receive their class schedule, take their yearbook and ID picture, complete and return necessary paperwork, and pay the school supplemental budget, and more. School bus transportation will follow their normal routes for all orientation dates. Students must report to orientation days in full Sci High approved uniform.  

Orientation Dates


Orientation Schedule

  • Escorted to the concession area to check-in, and receive the necessary forms to complete in the gym (health forms, update email & phone# -PS link, transportation, technology, code of conduct, and school compact) 
  • Sci High Parent & Family Engagement Presentation
  • Breakfast
  • Take ID & Yearbook Picture
  • Receive Class Schedule
Parent & Student Assembly Presentations

Student Services

  • Daily Schedule
  • Expectations,
  • Discipline Policies

Academic Guidance 

  • Academic Policies
  • Grading Scale



  • Transportation Updates
  • Technology Policies

Room 2008

Topic: Parent & Family Engagement

Meet Sci High Parent & Family Engagement Specialist and learn how to be involved at Sci High!


Topic: Academic Guidance

Meet our Academic Guidance Team to learn about graduation requirements, Sci High internships, dual enrollment, and more!

Room 2006



Room 2106

Topic: Exceptional Children Services

Meet our Academic Guidance Team to learn about graduation requirements, Sci High internships, dual enrollment, and more!


Topic: School Based Health Clinic

Meet our school nurse to discuss student health needs and more.


 Report to the dining commons for lunch.

Students attend classes according to the following schedule.

11:30 - 11:45 a.m.

11:48 - 12:18 a.m.

12:21 - 12:51 p.m.

12:54 - 1:24 p.m.

1:27 - 1:57 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

1st Period


2nd Period

3rd Period

4th Period

Report to Learning Stairs

ID & Technology Distribution

Student Gate Opens

Students exit at the student gate for pick-up and bus transportation. Busses will depart at 2:40 p.m.